If you’re struggling to hear what people are saying during your conversations, it could be because you have a hearing impairment. Hearing loss is common as we get older, but that doesn’t mean you have to live with it for the rest of your life. Thankfully, there are many ways to avoid this condition and get help sooner rather than later.
If you feel like someone is mumbling or that there’s something wrong with your ears, it’s time to get tested for hearing loss at home or find a local specialist in your area who can conduct an official hearing test. No matter where you live, there are plenty of professionals who can assist you and teach you more about keeping your ears healthy so that you don’t end up with a hearing impairment when you reach old age.
What is a Hearing Test?
A hearing test is a way for audiologists and other medical professionals to find out how well your ears work. This can include a few different tests, but the most important one is called an audiogram. This test checks for issues that could be causing hearing loss, like a build-up of earwax, ear infections, age-related hearing issues, or noise-induced hearing loss.
If you’re experiencing hearing problems, your audiologist might recommend a hearing test at Coates Hearing to see how bad your hearing loss is. They can also use this test to determine the best course of treatment for your unique needs. The hearing test itself is simple and painless. Your audiologist will start by checking your hearing thresholds in both ears. They’ll test your ability to hear different frequencies of sound, like low and high tones, as well as speech, sounds like “ah” and “ee.” They’ll also ask you to identify different sounds they play in the room, like a ticking clock, the sound of running water, and more. Your audiologist will use the results of these tests to determine your hearing loss and create an audiogram for you.
The Importance of a Hearing Test
A hearing test will tell you if you’re experiencing hearing loss, which is a great place to start. But it also helps you find out what’s causing your condition and what to do about it. For example, if your audiologist finds that you have a lot of wax build-up in your ear, they can clean it out for you. This could make a huge difference in the way you hear and how easy it is to understand what people are saying.
While it may seem silly, getting a hearing test is important if you want to live a normal life. You want to be able to communicate with others and understand what’s going on around you, and without proper hearing, you can’t do any of those things. If you think you have a hearing impairment, the only way to know for sure is by getting a hearing test.
Ways to Prepare for Your Hearing Test
There are a few things you can do in advance to make the process smoother and more accurate. Here are a few tips:
- Make sure your ears are clean and free of earwax. If your audiologist finds that you have a lot of earwax in your ears, they’ll most likely clean it out for you during the test. If you can avoid this happening by cleaning your ears regularly, it’ll make the entire experience go more smoothly.
- Don’t wear earplugs or other ear-blocking devices. Earplugs and other devices can interfere with your hearing tests, so make sure you don’t wear them for the test. If you regularly wear earplugs, particularly if you work around loud noises, make sure you get your hearing tested before you make any assumptions about your hearing loss.
- Bring a friend or family member with you. Hearing tests can be stressful, particularly if you’re worried about the outcome. Having someone there to support you during the test can make a big difference, as well as give you a second opinion on the results.
3 Apps That Can Help Before and After Your Hearing Test
If you’re nervous about your hearing test, or if you want to practice and get a sense of how the test works, there are several apps you can use to simulate the process. Here are a few of them:
- Hearing Test: This app gives you the ability to take a simulated hearing test remotely and whenever you want. You can take the test as many times as you want, and it can help you get an idea of what to expect during the real thing.
- DBERR Testing: This app allows you to take a simulated hearing test for free from your phone. You can practice different types of tests, like the whisper test and the cocktail party test, to get a feel for what it’s like to have a hearing impairment.
- Pillow: If you’re nervous about the process, this app can help you relax during your test. You can play soothing sounds through the app that will calm you down and make the test seem less scary and more like a trip to the doctor’s office.
2 Things You Should Do After the Hearing Test
- Talk to a doctor about your results. This is the most important thing you can do. Your hearing test results are important and can have a serious impact on your life, particularly if you have a lot of hearing loss. Make sure you talk to a medical professional about your results, and they can help you decide what course of action to take next.
- Get fitted for hearing aids. If your hearing loss is significant, hearing aids can make a big difference. Not only do they amplify sound, but they can also change the way you perceive sounds in your environment and make them easier to understand. If you’re struggling with hearing loss, don’t hesitate to get tested, find out the extent of your hearing loss, and follow up with medical professionals to get the help you need.
Hearing loss is common, and it’s something that you can avoid. According to the World Health Organization, one in three people will have some sort of hearing loss by the time they turn 65, so it’s something you should be prepared for. The best way to do this is by getting your hearing tested and following a few key tips, like making sure your ears are clean and free of earwax, avoiding earplugs and other ear-blocking devices, and getting tested before you start to notice any issues. If you’re experiencing hearing problems, get tested for hearing loss and follow these tips for a smoother experience. You’ll know what you’re up against and be able to take the necessary steps to protect your hearing.